Graphic: Spacer Pixel.
Photograph: Teenage girl, smiling. Graphic: Teenagels Logo. Photograph: Teen with a laptop.
10th Annual WiredKids Summit

Screenshot: Teenangels Trailer

Teenangels Trailer

Photograph: a group of Teenangels
Teenangels / Scrapbook / Cool Things We Do / Creating Safety Tips

Creating Safety Tips

Following their initial training the Teenangels wrote several safety tip lists on their own, one for kids ten and under, one for teens, and one for parents. Parry would grill them and encourage them to think about things, but the tips were their own and, every time they learned more, the tips were refined until finally, the Teenangels had a list of tips that they were happy with and, Parry agreed.

The Teenangels tip lists was the first of many offline projects designed to teach parents, teens, and younger children about the benefits and risks of the Internet, and how to manage those risks. These tips can be printed and distributed to schools and sponsored events, as well as be made available at computer retailers and children's retailers, at no charge.

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Graphic: Get Game Smart Logo.