Graphic: Spacer Pixel.
Photograph: Teenage girl, smiling. Graphic: Teenagels Logo. Photograph: Teen with a laptop.
10th Annual WiredKids Summit

Screenshot: Teenangels Trailer

Teenangels Trailer

Photograph: a group of Teenangels
Teenangels / Scrapbook / Cool Things We Do / Teenangels on the Road!

Teenangels on the Road!

After writing safety tips for Parry's book, the Teenangels had too much great information to share to stop there. They wanted to reach a broader audience of students and adults. That's when the Teenangels went out on the road!

The Teenangels contacted their local schools and asked to make presentations there. Students, teachers, and especially parents have a lot to learn from the Teenangels. Meanwhile, by always asking them about what they are doing online, whom they trust most and what they expect and demand in terms of privacy, the Teenangels learn from them and become even better able to keep them safe!

The Teenangels’ message resounds beyond the walls of classrooms. Their words echo in the conference rooms of the Capitol and the Senate Building and testify before the National Research Council. Teenangels speak at Police Institutes and train law enforcement. Teenangels have trained members of the Virginia Community Policing Institute and spoken on the plenary panel at the IAPP/Trust E Privacy Convention.

Media producers and writers contact the Teenangels for their expertise in online safety. They have been profiled by the Associated Press and featured in many magazines/newspapers including the NY Times, NY Post, Seventeen Magazine, Teen People, and Reader's Digest. The Teenangels received John Walsh's Hero award and have been interviewed on ABC Late Night News and UPN 9's Garden State Matters. The press loves them because they are well-informed, honest, real and eloquent.

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Graphic: Get Game Smart Logo.